Yogyakarta Indonesian

ID language variety project genre title note speaker1 speaker2 recorder audio files
BNN-YI-001 Indonesian Yogyakarta Indonesian Egg-MLK-BNN monologue procedual text telling how to eat banana Herning Wijayanti Yoshimi Miyake BNN-YI-001.MP3
MLK-YI-001 Indonesian Yogyakarta Indonesian Egg-MLK-BNN monologue procedual text telling how to cook an egg Mas Didi Yoshimi Miyake MLK-YI-001.MP3
EGG-YI-001 Indonesian Yogyakarta Indonesian Egg-MLK-BNN monologue procedual text telling how to cook an egg Herning Wijayanti Yoshimi Miyake EGG-YI-001.MP3
CON-YI-003 Indonesian Yogyakarta Indonesian Egg-MLK-BNN conversation Instruction for the experiment Herning Wijayanti Yoshimi Miyake Yoshimi Miyake CON-YI-003.MP3
MLK-YI-002 Indonesian Yogyakarta Indonesian Egg-MLK-BNN monologue procedual text telling how to drink milk MLK-YI-002.MP3
MLK-YI-003 Indonesian Yogyakarta Indonesian Egg-MLK-BNN monologue procedual text telling how to drink milk MLK-YI-003.MP3
BNN-YI-003 Indonesian Yogyakarta Indonesian Egg-MLK-BNN monologue procedual text telling how to eat a banana BNN-YI-003.MP3
EGG-YI-002 Indonesian Yogyakarta Indonesian Egg-MLK-BNN monologue procedual text telling how to cook an egg EGG-YI-002.MP3
MLK-YI-004 Indonesian Yogyakarta Indonesian Egg-MLK-BNN monologue procedual text telling how to drink milk MLK-YI-004.MP3
MLK-YI-005 Indonesian Yogyakarta Indonesian Egg-MLK-BNN monologue procedual text telling how to drink milk MLK-YI-005.MP3
BNN-YI-004 Indonesian Yogyakarta Indonesian Egg-MLK-BNN monologue procedual text telling how to eat a banana BNN-YI-004.MP3
EGG-YI-003 Indonesian Yogyakarta Indonesian Egg-MLK-BNN monologue procedual text telling how to cook an egg EGG-YI-003.MP3
HS-YI-001 Indonesian Yogyakarta Indonesian Happy & Sad srories monologue the speaker’s happy experience Argo Pratama Yoshimi Miyake HS-YI-001.WAV
HS-YI-002 Indonesian Yogyakarta Indonesian Happy & Sad srories monologue the speaker’s sad experience Argo Pratama Yoshimi Miyake HS-YI-002.WAV
HS-YI-003 Indonesian Yogyakarta Indonesian Happy & Sad srories monologue the speaker’s happy experience Herning Wijayanti Yoshimi Miyake HS-YI-003.WAV
HS-YI-004 Indonesian Yogyakarta Indonesian Happy & Sad srories monologue the speaker’s sad experience Herning Wijayanti Yoshimi Miyake HS-YI-004.WAV
HS-YI-005 Indonesian Yogyakarta Indonesian Happy & Sad srories monologue the speaker’s happy experience Mas Didi Yoshimi Miyake HS-YI-005.WAV
HS-YI-006 Indonesian Yogyakarta Indonesian Happy & Sad srories monologue the speaker’s sad experience Mas Didi Yoshimi Miyake HS-YI-006.WAV
JC-YI-001 Indonesian Yogyakarta Indonesian Jackal and Crow monologue Jackal and Crow Herning Wijayanti Yoshimi Miyake JC-YI-001.WAV
JC-YI-002 Indonesian Yogyakarta Indonesian Jackal and Crow monologue Jackal and Crow Mas Didi Yoshimi Miyake JC-YI-002.WAV
MON-YI-001 Indonesian the speaker’s experience when the earthquake occurred Herning Wijayanti Yoshimi Miyake MON-YI-001.WAV
CON-YI-001 Indonesian conversation between the researcher and the speaker on pictures in the album (1) Herning Wijayanti Yoshimi Miyake Yoshimi Miyake CON-YI-001.MP3
CON-YI-002 Indonesian conversation between the researcher and the speaker on pictures in the album (2) Herning Wijayanti Yoshimi Miyake Yoshimi Miyake CON-YI-002.MP3
CON-YI-004 Indonesian Yogyakarta Indonesian conversation discussion on the new President Jokowi CON-YI-004.MP3
CON-YI-003 Indonesian Yogyakarta Indonesian conversation a short conversation between a researcher and the host CON-YI-003.MP3
CON-YI-006 Indonesian Yogyakarta Indonesian conversation CON-YI-006.MP3
CON-JAP-001 Japanese conversation conversation with Japanese speaker in Indonesia conversation with Japanese speaker in Indonesia CON-JAP-001.MP3
EGG-JAV-001 JAV Egg-MLK-BNN monologue procedual text telling how to cook an egg Herning Wijayanti Yoshimi Miyake EGG-JAV-001.MP3
EGG-JAV-002 JAV Egg-MLK-BNN monologue procedual text telling how to cook an egg Mas Didi Yoshimi Miyake EGG-JAV-002.MP3
EGG-JAVYI-003 JAV Yogyakarta Indonesian Egg-MLK-BNN monologue procedual text telling how to cook an egg (YI banana story follows) ? Yoshimi Miyake EGG-JAVYI-003.MP3
BNN-JAV-001 JAV Ngoko Egg-MLK-BNN monologue procedual text telling how to eat a banana Herning Wijayanti Yoshimi Miyake BNN-JAV-001.MP3
BNN-JAV-002 JAV Kromo Egg-MLK-BNN monologue procedual text telling how to eat a banana Herning Wijayanti BNN-JAV-002.MP3
BNN-JAV-003 JAV Ngoko Egg-MLK-BNN monologue procedual text telling how to eat a banana Mas Didi BNN-JAV-003.MP3
BNN-JAV-004 JAV Kromo Egg-MLK-BNN monologue procedual text telling how to eat a banana Mas Didi BNN-JAV-004.MP3
MLK-JAV-001 JAV Ngoko Egg-MLK-BNN monologue procedual text telling how to eat a banana MLK-JAV-001.MP3
MLK-JAV-002 JAV Ngoko Egg-MLK-BNN monologue procedual text telling how to eat a banana MLK-JAV-002.MP3
MLK-JAV-003 JAV Kromo Egg-MLK-BNN monologue procedual text telling how to eat a banana MLK-JAV-003.MP3
MLK-JAV-004 JAV Kromo Egg-MLK-BNN monologue procedual text telling how to eat a banana MLK-JAV-004.MP3
BNN-JAV-005 JAV Kromo and Ngoko Egg-MLK-BNN monologue procedual text telling how to eat a banana both Krama and Ngoko BNN-JAV-005.MP3
EGG-JAV-004 JAV Egg-MLK-BNN monologue procedual text telling how to cook an egg EGG-JAV-004.MP3
MLK-JAV-005 JAV Kromo Egg-MLK-BNN monologue procedual text telling how to drink milk both Krama and Ngoko MLK-JAV-005.MP3
EMB-YIJAV-001 JAV Yogyakarta Indonesian Egg-MLK-BNN monologue procedual text telling EMB EMB-YIJAV-001.MP3
EMB-YIJAV-002 JAV Yogyakarta Indonesian Egg-MLK-BNN monologue procedual text telling EMB EMB-YIJAV-002.MP3
JC-JAV-001 JAV Ngoko Jackal and Crow monologue Jackal and Crow with pictures Argo Pratama Yoshimi Miyake JC-JAV-001.WAV
JC-JAV-002 JAV Ngoko Jackal and Crow monologue Jackal and Crow without pictures Argo Pratama Yoshimi Miyake JC-JAV-002.WAV
JC-JAV-003 JAV Ngoko Jackal and Crow monologue Jackal and Crow first-person narrative Argo Pratama Yoshimi Miyake JC-JAV-003.WAV
JC-JAV-004 JAV Jackal and Crow monologue Jackal and Crow Herning Wijayanti Yoshimi Miyake JC-JAV-004.WAV
JC-JAV-005 JAV Jackal and Crow monologue Jackal and Crow Mas Didi Yoshimi Miyake JC-JAV-005.WAV
PLAY-JAV-001 JAV a shadow play? PLAY-JAV-001.MP3
EMB-YIJAV-002 JAV Yogyakarta Indonesian EMB-YIJAV-002.MP3
TV-JAV-001 JAV Yogyakarta Indonesian various TV programs TV-JAV-001.MP3
MON-JAV-001 JAV monologue MON-JAV-001.WAV